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Finding a good hair care routine for women holds the same level of triumph and joy as it does for men. Starting a hair care routine is essentially similar to starting one for your skin. You won't frequently stray from it once you've discovered the one that suits you. However, the trick is in finding the best hair care routine for women, especially when there are several alternatives available for those with the same hair type. As vital as following a skin care regimen, maintaining the best hair care routine maintains your hair silky, healthy, and free of infections, greasiness, and other disorders. Your scalp type and hair texture will determine how frequently you should wash your hair. Many dermatologists advise that before selecting any daily hair care routine, it is crucial to determine your hair type and the root of any hair problems. The analysis's findings will define the necessary hair care regimen and treatments. Additionally, one should be aware that chemical hair treatments might be damaging to the strands of your hair.
Which Face Wash is the Best for Dry Skin?
People have all types of skin types – oily skin, dry skin, and combination skin. However, it is difficult to know how to take care of your own skin type and understand the skin care products that might be of use, especially for people with dry skin type. Read through this blog to understand and know how to take care of your dry skin the best way possible and which face wash is good for dry skin.
Is dandruff harmful to your hair?
A dandruff problem is a common ailment which causes the scalp's skin to flake. It is neither serious nor contagious. However, it can be awkward and challenging to treat. A gentle daily wash can be used to treat the effects of dandruff. A medicated shampoo might be useful if that doesn't help. In literal sense, dandruff is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis which causes your scalp to develop and shed white flakes But what causes someone to suffer this? Let’s try to decode all of the effects that dandruff has on your hair
When should you go to a dermatologist for your dandruff?
What’s worse than having regular hair fall? Having an itchy scalp and white flakes on the head. Basically, dandruff, right? We often assume that an itchy scalp means severe dandruff, but there are times when it is just more than that. If you are using a dandruff shampoo, and the itching and flaking reduce, this means that your anti-dandruff shampoo is working. Let’s take a deep dive into understanding the causes of dandruff and the remedies for the same.
Common Baby Skin Problems
It is a well-known fact that newborn babies are prone to multiple skin problems in the initial stage of their life. These skin problems could range from rashes to cradle caps to even the ones as severe as dermatitis. Most of these skin problems are harmless and can be treated with some products. They can even be avoided with some precautionary measures. However, in case of severe skin problems in your baby, it is highly advisable to consult a paediatrician or a paediatric dermatologist for your baby's problems. There are many products available in the market that help in curing and treating common skin problems in newborn babies.
How to Massage a Newborn Baby and Its Benefits
If you are a new mom, you will find yourself scrolling through baby care articles on the internet to find the best possible way to take care of your little one. ‘How to massage a newborn baby?’ is one question that pops up in the minds of many such moms. In this blog, we will give you an overview on the benefits of massage to your baby and how to do it.
Acne in Teenagers: Know the Causes & How to Clear Acne from Face
The teenage phase comes with unlimited freedom, uncalled attention, and obviously acne, leaving the teenagers a little irritated. A phase where they always have questions like: what causes acne? Why am I facing this? What routine can I follow to avoid acne?
Why are acne and pimples common in adolescences?
Adolescence is a time when our bodies go through life-altering changes. In these years, one of the most common changes that most teenagers go through is acne. In fact, this condition is so prolific that it is considered to be normal for boys and girls during puberty.
How can you avoid acne breakouts in the monsoon season?
Acne breakouts and monsoons are a go-to pair. And do you know the reason behind this? It’s because humidity increases during the monsoon season. This humidity combines with the heat in the atmosphere and leads to sebum production on the skin, making your skin greasy. Your skin becomes a breeding ground for dirt, impurities, sweat, and bacteria. They clog your pores which leads to acne.
Reasons why we need nutritional supplements like Diataal
Do you think that you can meet all your daily nutritional requirements? Not necessarily, right?! The main problem is your lifestyle. That’s why you need to rely on nutritional meals and health supplements, to keep yourself fit and fine.
Why do we need the minerals that Diataal offers
From the minute you start your day, you need to get going! Only if you keep healthy, can you tick mark your to-do for the day. Wondering how you can keep healthy? Through healthy meals and one Diataal daily. Diataal is loaded with the goodness of 16 vitamins and minerals. Minerals are essential as they help with three vital body functions—building strong bones and teeth, controlling body fluids, and turning food into energy.
Health benefits of consuming Diataal
The ultimate goodness of fruits and vegetables lies in their nutritional quotient. Do you include a proper mix of different veggies in your diet? If not, you might be at risk of encountering various health problems. A good health investment can help you deal effectively with these worries. Thinking which one it is? It's Diataal-Your Health Ka Daily Investment!
Why do we need the vitamins that Diataal offers
Thinking why do you need a health supplement like Diataal? It’s because you need to invest in your health daily! Diataal along with balanced meal and exercise can be your perfect health companion by helping you meet your healthy lifestyle goals.
Diataal- Your next big health investment
What is your most significant investment? The one in mutual funds? Or the one in shares? If you ask us, it’s always the one you make for your health! Is it been a long time since you invested in it? Let us help you in making a good choice. Here’s presenting - Diataal, the solution to all your vital daily supplement needs!
Summer Skincare Guide
During summer, the excessive heat and humidity can make your skin yearn for additional protection. Skin problems like rashes, sunburns, persistent tan and acne are on the rise. Thus, you need an effective skincare routine to ensure smooth and glowing skin throughout this season.
How to Use the Sebamed Baby Care Products?
When it comes to your newborn baby, you do every possible thing to take care of them. You pay attention to every tiny detail related to their food, clothing, and comfort. So, it goes without saying that you would be just as careful about your baby’s skin.
Why Should Parents Place Their Trust In Sebamed Baby Products?
As a parent, you leave no stone unturned in taking care of your newborn. Even when it comes to your baby’s delicate skin, you make sure that you use safe and effective products. We, at Sebamed, understand your concerns and bring you clinically tested baby care products that have garnered the trust of parents across the globe. Each product in our extensive baby care range has been meticulously formulated with the ideal pH value of 5.5, which is perfect for your baby’s skin.
Expecting During Summer? Essential Products for your Newborn Baby
The cold winters have finally gone, and the warmer months are finally here! That means plenty of daylight, trips to the pool, and bringing out your best summer outfits. If you are towards the end of your pregnancy term and all set to welcome your bundle of joy during the summer months, we’ve got you! Before embarking on the parenthood journey, read about a few things you should know if your baby is born during the hot summer months.
A dad’s guide to take care of his newborn and spouse
After patiently waiting for nine months, holding your baby for the first time is a precious moment especially if you’re a new father. In this moment, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and helpless. Many new fathers are unsure about how to help their spouses and how to look after their little ones. However, at this time, stepping up and dividing responsibilities is important. Fathers must pitch in and help their partner so that they are not left to raise their newborn by themselves.
Which is the best face wash for winters?
Just like the kind of clothes you wear change in accordance to the seasons, your skincare routine too needs to change as per the weather. But before jumping onto a new winter skincare routine, you must take your skin type and the ideal pH value into consideration.